The Nigerian mother is a
source of pride and inspiration to everyone around her from her kids to
her husband, her family members and the society at large, and there are
many reasons for this.
First, she is hardworking and relentless. Then she has a natural mechanism that helps her adjust to anything, so that even the toughest of situations seem like nothing to her.
Our mothers are bold in the face of odds and there’s hardly any part of our lives they do not influence, from conception to our education, marriage and more.
Today, as the world celebrates mothers, below are 11 pictures that aptly describe Nigerian mothers in all their greatness:
1. She corrects you without saying a word – just eye contact

2. She reminds you of all the food you have eaten in the house because you asked for a refund of the money you lent her

3. She is a ‘gele’ or head tie expert

4. As a kid, she would threaten you by saying ‘If I hear peem, you will hear ween’

5. As a kid she would whip you for misbehaving and then tell you repeatedly that you cannot kill her as she did not kill her mother

6. She is sure to return from a wedding or any other celebration with ‘party rice’

7. When you are wrong and say ‘Mom, I’m sorry’, she is sure to reply saying ‘sorry for yourself’

8. She carries her babies on her back

9. She does not eat until the food has gone round everyone in the house

10. She does not play with her wrapper and she has specific ones for different events

11. She is gifted with the way she carries hot pots from the fire with bare hands

First, she is hardworking and relentless. Then she has a natural mechanism that helps her adjust to anything, so that even the toughest of situations seem like nothing to her.
Our mothers are bold in the face of odds and there’s hardly any part of our lives they do not influence, from conception to our education, marriage and more.
Today, as the world celebrates mothers, below are 11 pictures that aptly describe Nigerian mothers in all their greatness:
1. She corrects you without saying a word – just eye contact

2. She reminds you of all the food you have eaten in the house because you asked for a refund of the money you lent her

3. She is a ‘gele’ or head tie expert

4. As a kid, she would threaten you by saying ‘If I hear peem, you will hear ween’

5. As a kid she would whip you for misbehaving and then tell you repeatedly that you cannot kill her as she did not kill her mother

6. She is sure to return from a wedding or any other celebration with ‘party rice’

7. When you are wrong and say ‘Mom, I’m sorry’, she is sure to reply saying ‘sorry for yourself’

8. She carries her babies on her back

9. She does not eat until the food has gone round everyone in the house

10. She does not play with her wrapper and she has specific ones for different events

11. She is gifted with the way she carries hot pots from the fire with bare hands
